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Phenomenal Studio
Developing a corporate identity for a jewelry brand
/ identity / logotype / printing
Making jewelry is primarily about creativity. The perfect match of crystal shapes, textures and colors appears after several hours of contemplation and selection. To do this, we order all possible materials from suppliers and then the magic begins. As if looking into a kaleidoscope, we try to combine crystals, pearls, stones, metals, choosing for you only those combinations that carry aesthetic pleasure and semantic meaning.Nothing superfluous, but a one hundred percent guarantee of admiring glances.
Making jewelry is primarily about creativity. The perfect match of crystal shapes, textures and colors appears after several hours of contemplation and selection. To do this, we order all possible materials from suppliers and then the magic begins. As if looking into a kaleidoscope, we try to combine crystals, pearls, stones, metals, choosing for you only those combinations that carry aesthetic pleasure and semantic meaning.Nothing superfluous, but a one hundred percent guarantee of admiring glances.
В качестве основного шрифта при оформлении коммуникаций для текстовых абзацев.
В качестве основного шрифта при оформлении коммуникаций для текстовых абзацев.
Шрифт для заголовков и акцидентных надписей.
Фотографии украшений взяты с сайта phenomenalstudio.com
Шрифт для заголовков и акцидентных надписей.